
Tips On Becoming An Independent Wheelchair User

Particularly when you are new to wheelchairs, they can be challenging and difficult. However, being confined to a wheelchair doesn\’t have to stop anyone from living an independent life and pursuing what they love. They may feel like other people and the odds are fighting them at every turn. But to lead a happy and good life, there are methods of rising above. 

One step on the path to becoming an independent wheelchair user can be the use of either a wheelchair lift/elevator or stairlift in the home. That is, of course, only one contribution by today\’s amazing technology. There are many. That said, however, let\’s take a look at a handful of tips on becoming an independent wheelchair user. Later, we’ll tell you the best place to purchase either a wheelchair lift/elevator or stair lift.


Though public support is nice, no one can be your advocate unless you are. Fight for your cause. Push for wheelchair accessibility when and wherever possible. Even today, there are still inaccessible public places preventing outdoor independence for wheelchair users. To make others more aware of your disability, learn as much as you can about it. Remember, no one will care for you like you, yourself.

Start from Home To Promote Accessibility

Promoting accessibility does, of course, start at home. How can you expect others to make businesses more accessible when you haven\’t done what you can around the house? 

Installing a stair lift or a wheelchair lift/elevator in your home is the first step to once again being able to maneuver your way around your residence freely and independently. Make your bathroom and kitchen wheelchair accessible. Install rails and ramps. Stay within your budget but do all you can. If you can’t do the work yourself, find a handyman or contractor who will do it reasonably.

Conquer Your Fears

Concerns and fears are something every human deals with. Anxiety can be high for wheelchair users. As difficult as it can be, don\’t ever let anxiety stand in your way and overtake you. There are opportunities for clinical assistance if you need it. To help instill a more positive attitude in yourself, talk to your beloved relatives and friends. Your limitations are only going to be as severe as you allow them to be.

Do You Have Interests? Pursue Them!

Whether you love photography, painting, music, dance, or other arts, don\’t let that wheelchair stop you from getting involved. Are there certain limitations that may apply? Of course. But there are, for example, lots of ways to be involved in dance without actually dancing! To traditional learning and participation methods, there can be many alternatives.

Identify what you like or love and participate when and wherever possible. Find other wheelchair users who are doing the same. With like-minded people, it\’s fun to share dislikes and likes together.

Best Place to Purchase Your Wheelchair Lift or Elevator

At Freedom Stairlifts, we have wheelchair lifts/elevators and stair lifts for both indoor and outdoor use. If you don\’t have a problem transferring, you may be able to make use of one of our stair lifts. Some wheelchair users keep a secondary chair at the top of the staircase. They transfer in and out of their wheelchairs after riding up or down the stairs.

For those who don\’t transfer easily or need a lot of assistance, wheelchair lifts/elevators are a better solution. 

Contact us to find our more today!


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